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Lisa Weil

Clarity Northwest Wealth Management, LLC
Seattle, WA

Lisa Weil is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTMand Principal of Clarity Northwest in Seattle, WA. She joined the Garrett Planning Network and founded her hourly financial planning practice in 2013.

Lisa is a career changer with over 14 years’ experience in market strategy and business planning, having previously worked as a systems engineer at IBM and served in various product management roles at Microsoft. Based on her own experiences and frustrations as a client of the financial services industry, Lisa decided to switch gears and return to school to earn a Certificate in Financial Planning. She founded her practice with the goal of helping clients sift through the jargon and cut through the complexity, providing independent, comprehensive, Fee Only, hourly planning. Lisa has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Wellesley College and an MBA from Harvard.

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