avatar for Jerry Skapyak

Jerry Skapyak

Advisor Services: Annuity & Term Life Specialist
Tampa, FL

When fee-only advisors want an expert at retirement funding risk management solutions, Jerry is the one they turn to. That’s why LLIS brought his family and him to sunny Florida in 2008.

Jerry spent a number of years climbing the ranks of two top-rated insurance companies, Zurich Life Insurance Company and Western-Southern Financial Group, before joining LLIS. During his ascent, he handled product development,
intelligence analysis, and advisor services.

Jerry’s 20+ years in this industry analyzing, studying, and researching annuity solutions have made him the go-to guy for advisors with clients seeking to ensure they don’t outlive their savings. He is skilled at assessing clients’ needs and the
benefits most important to them, then tailoring the right solution to fit their unique circumstances.

He’s logistical, a problem-solver, a successful leader, and a sought-after speaker. But what he does best: relax poolside with his wife and three kids, manning the BBQ and running the back yard games.
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